Validate AccessToken

Hello Team

I am Pro licensed User. I am making an API call to get list recordings of an user.
I need an API to validate Access Token before passing the Access Token to the download_url to download the recording from recordings API using OAuth authentication.


Hi @akona,

Thanks for reaching out!

You can authenticate the download_url with either a JWT token or OAuth token from your account. If you wish to authenticate via an OAuth token, you’ll need to request an access token for the account by following the steps outlined here:

You can also use a JWT token from the account the recording belongs to—you can find instructions for generating a JWT token here:

Once you have a token, you can append it to the download URL as a query parameter:

Let me know if this helps—thanks!

Hello @will.zoom

Thanks for your reply!

I have generated an Access Token using OAuth and the expiry time is 3599 seconds. How can I validate that Access Token is valid or expired.

Waiting for quick response. Thanks!

Hi @akona,

OAuth access_tokens are valid for 1 hour. You will need to log the time you requested the token to know if it’s still valid.


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