Varied results in Windows Zoom SDK when Joining meeting

Hi Everyone,

We are currently running Zoom SDK using the C# wrapper in Visual studio 2019.
We have been creating meetings from our zoom account, authenticating using a JWT token and logging in with email and password. The SDK is able to login and join the meeting as an authenticated user, however the results are extremely varied when the visual studio program starts.

When we join the meeting, sometimes we see that the it can connect voip without ever calling the connect voip command, similar with mute and unmute sometimes the SDK will be muted and other times it will be unmuted automatically. I have took all the settings out of the join parameter e.g. isAudioOff, isVideoOff and they are still displaying different results when executing.
Sometimes, it is able to join and unmutes by itself, others it cant even connect to voip?
I am using the JoinParam4NormalUser to join the meeting and would like to have all audio and video settings off so that I can turn them on with the functions available through the zoom SDK… however I am receiving errors when I am trying to do this, as the program is sometimes launching with these features turned on.

Anyone any ideas on this ?


As you can see from the images, this code has not had any changes between the two runs, yet one time when the sdk runs it can reconnect VOIP but not the second time?

I have included three images, from the code you can see when a user joins we have not took out the demo information of getting each user by user id… we then try and disconnect any audio settings that are automatically started and reconnect them… the code for disconnecting them is the following :

private void DisconnectAudioServices() {
Trace.WriteLine(“Trying to disconnect any audio started with meeting join…”);
ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKError checkVOIP = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetMeetingAudioController().LeaveVoip();
Trace.WriteLine(“VOI Successfully disconnected”);
Trace.WriteLine("VOI could not be disconnected. Error code: " + checkVOIP);
ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKError checkAudio = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetMeetingAudioController().EnableMuteOnEntry(true);
Trace.WriteLine(“Audio Successfully muted”);
Trace.WriteLine("Audio could not be muted. Error code: " + checkAudio);

The two errors we seem to be getting from the SDK when trying to unmute users is :
Unable to unmute for user: 16778240
Unable to unmute for user: 16778240

Hey @lauren.olphert,

Thanks for using the dev forum! It is good to see you again!

So between the first meeting and second meeting no other meeting settings were changed? Are you seeing the varying results across instances of the same meeting?


Hi @Michael_Condon ! Yea so no other meeting settings are changed… no touches to the code at all… It seems to be when I want to disconnect the audio services at the start of the meeting, it works fine but then reconnecting is throwing me back with errors :frowning:


Hey @lauren.olphert,

Hmm that is strange. I think this will take some further investigation.
Would you be able to create a copy of your project with everything stripped away except the code that produces this issue and email it to Please mention my name and a link to this forum thread and I will investigate. What version of the SDK are you using?


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Hi @Michael_Condon ,

I’ve sent the main page email contents to that email !
I am using version zoom-c-sharp-wrapper-5.4.54802.0124 on Visual Studio 2019.


Hey @lauren.olphert,

Awesome thank you for sending those over. I will follow up with you there.


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