Video is presented and video is resized (callbacks)


Thank you for adding setResolution(:_) method. It’s what we need!
And after the new method integration and subsequent analysis we have figured out that it would be perfect to have few callbacks from ZoomSDK.

We really need two callbacks:

  1. When the video element is switched from ‘unsubscribe’ state to ‘subscribe’.
    While switching video element is displaying gray background and only after it we can see video content. Could we have the event that would be inform us when the content is successfully presented?
  2. When the video is successfully resized.
    I don’t mean video element view, but the content of it. Because view is resized very fast, but the content is resized after some moment. Could we have the event that would be inform us when the content is successfully resized?

Does it real to have this callbacks? How do you think?

Thank you!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko, thanks for the suggestions.

When the video element is switched from ‘ unsubscribe ’ state to ‘ subscribe ’.

This is actually something we have had suggested in the past, but have not yet committed to implementing. I will make note that it has been requested again. :slightly_smiling_face:

When the video is successfully resized.

This would be similar to the previous request in functionality, so if we add that in the future this should work as well.


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Hi @jon.zoom,

cool, it would be super to have this callbacks, thank you!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

It’s looking like this should be included in a release by the end of the year.


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