Video streaming from individual participants

wem are a system integration comnpany and we are currently developping a project that needs facial recognition during zoom sessions . Do someone knows if these is an API that could stream the video form eatch participant ?

@pedro.serras, there are 2 ways to do this:

Method 1

Use the native Zoom APIs to build a meeting bot, which can grab separate video streams per participant: Using the IZoomSDKRenderer* videoHelper to record multiple participants

Method 2

If you don’t want to build and manage meeting bots forever, an alternative is to use the API.

It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings, with separate streams per participant. With this method, you don’t need to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hi Amanda ,
Thanks a lot for your help
I program Pyton so do you know if these APIs could be integrated in Phyton ?
thanks in advance

@pedro.serras , yes - you can integrate the APIs with Python!

Hi Amanda ,
Thanks a lot for your email.
i was a little busy so thats the reason that im answering now to your email.
Im curretly doing a project using python and i need and API to integrate n Python that can capture a picture from individual participants in a meeting and also a need that the API could receive a command from my program to disconnect a participant form the call .
thanks n advance for your help

Hi Amanda good morning
I need to know if your company can supply a face recognition system.
So we need a software with a database that will have all biometric data for face recognition of each participant to be compared with the individual biometric data of each participant and gave a visual information if the participant is autorized or not to participate.

Hello Amanda
The Zoom Boots has Multistream capability ;? I mean if i have a multiconference with several sites i can receive all the individual streams of the participants belonging to the meeting ?

Hi Amanda
Did your boots allowmultistreamoperations?
I mean if we are in a zoom coference i can receive a streamfor each remote participant

Hi Amanda
I need to know if one of your bots could send individual streams from the participants In a meeting .
We need that feature in the bots because we need to do face recognition
could you tell me if this feature is available in zoom teams webex or other ?