Visitor to Join webnair without login

We have Auth2 enable and connected to get webnair details and other.

What we want

  • Register user just do click a link and they can instnatly join meeting/webniar without download or providing any input about Name or Capture validation?

Apprecite any quick response.

Hey @ajha,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Currently, we don’t have a method that allows participants to join a webinar without at least entering their Name and Email. You can find more information on this in the following article:

Along that same line of thinking, users will also have to join audio/video manually when joining from the Web Client or the Web SDK.

In other words, using the Web Client or Web SDK will allow users to avoid downloading the Zoom Client but they will still be required to enter a display name at the very least.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Can we skip the Download prombt if we just want them to connect from Web Browser? Any configuration or bypass to do that.

Is there any way to dynamically code the Name and Email so that the user will not have to type it in? We just want the number of steps from loading the our webpage to getting the zoom webinar to start playing to be as minimal as possible.

Sorry Max, may i ask for an elaboration on how to do this? We basically want the zoom webinar to just run directly on our webpage, we DO NOT want the prompt to launch zoom desktop application to launch at all.

Hey @ajha ,

You can direct them to use the Web Client, details here:


Hey @allenwebtech ,

Have looked into using the Web SDK? You can put the Zoom Meeting / Webinar experience in your Website and set the Name and Email.


Hello Tommy,

So, using WebSDK we can eliminate those setp that require before starting the meeting. Like , Client download and put name/email fields for user? Is WebSDK in .NET or JS version as example we have?

Hi Tommy. Thanks for your reply. May I confirm - using Zoom Web SDK we can:

  1. bypass the Zoom Desktop App start/download prompt each time we try to connect to a webinar

  2. bypass user needing to key in Username/Email/etc to join the webinar

  3. when our page loads, basically allow the page to load the webinar immediately without any user action needed

  4. Can i confirm that iframe embed will not be able to accomplish the above?

  5. Can i also confirm that the Zoom Web SDK will work across all browser types and platforms (would not want to put in a lot of dev work and discover iOS/Mac does support certain functions, etc)

Thanks Tommy.

Hey @ajha and @allenwebtech ,

Thank you for your questions!

Yes, instead of directing them to a Zoom URL, you would direct them to the URL of your website in order to join/start the meeting. This means that your application would need to handle dynamic query parameters so that the link you provide a user is able to to direct them to the correct meeting and start it when the page loads.

You can see our Sample Web App for an example of how query parameters can be used as well as a general reference of how to use the Web SDK.

The Web SDK does not support being displayed in an iFrame.

There are current limitations and performance considerations when it comes to using the Web SDK. Most of the limitations on browser support have to do with APIs that Apple has yet to expose on iOS.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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