Ways to get Speaker Timeline / Transcription

Is there a way to get speaker timeline without having cloud recording? Since we need speaker timeline as soon as meeting ends and the issue with cloud recording is its latency after which files are made available?

Or is there a way to just have speaker timeline and/or transcription by enabling cloud recording and we do not need meeting mp4 file from cloud recording so that we can get speaker timeline and/or transcription file much earlier since most of time goes into processing that mp4 file actually?

We are avoiding to use SDK to get current speaker in the meeting.

Hi @Sneh,

In order to retrieve the timeline file, you’ll need to have cloud recording enabled as a prerequisite, and specifically you’ll need to enable transcription:

Note that this requires a Business or higher license.


Thanks for letting this know.

Just wanted to highlight my second point, if we want to have only timeline and/or transcription file for any meeting and not the mp4 file, is there a way we can get that (may be we can disable the mp4 recording and just have the timeline and/or transcription file for our cloud recording anyhow, or if you guys can customise this from your end)?

We are expecting as if mp4 file would be taking long time to process, so just ignoring that one to reduce the latency for our use.

Hi @Sneh,

There’s not currently a way to retrieve the timeline file without also retrieving the cloud recording file. However, these should have unique download_urls if you’re retrieving them via the API, and you can ignore the mp4 file.

Otherwise, this would be a feature request—if you’re so inclined, you might consider posting an official request here: #feature-requests


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