Web hook: no notification when joined before host user leaves

In our zoom integration we have a dashboard that displays the number of users in a particular waiting room and the number of users that are admitted (in the case that a host has started the meeting). In the waiting room count we include the number of joined-before-host (JBH) users, which are captured by the participant_jbh_waiting event. Unfortunately, if a JBH user leaves before they’re admitted by a host, there is no event to capture this and the count is not updated leaving the dashboard in an incorrect state.

Is there an alternate method to be notified that a JBH user has quit waiting for the host to be admitted? If not, is it possible to add another even to capture this?

Hey @josh.ak,

Have you tried using the Participant Left Meeting webhook for this?


Hi Tommy,

Yes, I have that webhook wired up too. It’s not fired when a joined-before-host (JBH) waiting user decides to leave. Note that in this scenario, the JBH user is waiting for two things to occur: (1) for a host to join and (2) for the host to admit them. The participant left webhook is only invoked after a user is admitted to a meeting, so two steps before this particular workflow.


Thanks for the additional details @josh.ak!

I will send this to our engineers as a feature request. (ZOOM-189341)


Hey @josh.ak,

To confirm your meeting settings, do you have Join Before Host turned off and Waiting Room turned on?

If you could provide all your meeting settings that would help. :slight_smile:


Yes, we have Join Before Host disabled and Waiting Room enabled.

Hey @josh.ak,

Thanks for confirming.


Hey @josh.ak,

You can use the Participant Left Waiting Room webhook:


Unfortunately, that will not work for a joined-before-host (JBH) user that is waiting. In this case the host is not present and the waiting room is not setup yet. In our dashboard we’re counting users as “waiting” if they’re in an actual waiting room (i.e. host present, but not admitted yet) and if they’re a JBH user where they’re waiting for a host to join in which case they’ll be added to the waiting room when/if the host joins the meeting.

For our requirements it is necessary to count JBH users. The participant_jbh_waiting counts when a user is waiting for a host to join, but there’s no corresponding event that calls a webhook when a JBH user leaves the waiting state BEFORE a host joins.

There’s also an issue with the participant_jbh_waiting event (at least for our requirements). It’s called initially when a user first waits for the host as expected, but it’s fired again on 15 minutes intervals if a host doesn’t join, which again screws up our wait list count. Part of why we want to count JBH users is to prevent users from waiting on a host for an extended period.

Hey @josh.ak,

But the user cannot join before the host because you have Join Before Host disabled.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think what you are needing is a “Waiting for host to start the meeting” webhook?


Right…the participant_jbh_waiting event fires when JBH is disabled (a user can’t join a meeting without a host) and the waiting room is enabled. We’re trying to count the number of users who are waiting for a host to join, which is possible using the participant_jbh_waiting event; however, there’s no corresponding leave event to know when a user quits waiting for a host to join. My issue appears to be a duplicate of Is there an meeting.participant_jbh_waiting_left event?. This has been submitted as a feature request.

Hey @josh.ak,

Gotcha, we are on the same page now. :slight_smile:

I have put this feature request in our engineering backlog. I will keep you updated on its development.


Great, thanks!

Hey @josh.ak,

You are welcome! Our engineers are reviewing the feature request. I will keep you updated on the progress.


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