Hello, I have a problem with the WEB-SDK zoom, it started showing errors in all meetings, I checked the chomer console and it doesn’t show any errors.
It only shows a message entering the meeting, I have tried several times and I am unsuccessful, we used 50 zoom accounts and several are showing this error.
We’re seeing this across the board, all meetings and webinars, confirmed even on the zoom hosted web SDK. Seems a system wide problem but status.zoom doesn’t recognize it yet.
We are experiencing a similar error trying to connect to meetings and unable to join. It seems to only impact a specific meeting/user. An impacted meeting is meeting number 93384809560.
We are having the same problem with the Web SDK 1.7.8. It just hangs on Join Meeting and never connects. There’s a timeout error message. The meeting has Waiting Room enabled.
And what’s different from before, is that the “joining meeting” spinner is showing for 30 - 60s before the error “Fail to join the meeting.” is being shown. We’ve seen this happen before but usually “Fail to join the meeting.” error shows immediately and the problem would resolve after a few minutes. This has lasted an hour or more.