Webhook application and OAuth use

I’ve been working on a Webhook only app and found out that those are not publishable on the Zoom marketplace. I am currently recreating the same app as an OAuth application.
The app solely relies on the meeting.participant_joined and meeting.participant_left event subscriptions.

I already read in this thread Webhooks and OAuth
that I don’t need to use the OAuth tokens and just to be sure:

Will I need them in the future in any way? Do I need to save them?

Since OAuth authentication is required to publish a Zoom application, is it enough if the redirect url return “Success” if the tokens could be retrieved (and “Error” if not)?

Hey @daniel.kohn,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. If your app just relies on receiving Webhook events, you won’t need to use an Access Token in order to make calls to the API. However, you will want to complete the OAuth flow so that the app is successfully installed on the end user’s account. This means providing a real Redirect OAuth URI as well as using the code you receive at that endpoint to retrieve an access_token.

Let me know if that helps.


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