Webhook event more than one not firing

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Recording->All Recordings have completed

I wanted to make fire 2 webhook for same event to 2 endpoints, first working great, but second one not firing event to specified endpoint, I have tried reconnecting test zoom user after changing/adding webhook settings. But without success. Could someone faced issue like this? Or there limitation for one event type multiple webhook. Could someone help to resolve this?

Hi @simpleem
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Could you please share more details about this issue with us?
Are you trying to get 2 events to the same endpoint? are you using 2 separate apps? or setting up everything in the same app?
You should be able to get more than 1 event in the same endpoint if you have set them up in the same app.

Separate endpoints, 2 event(event type is same, All recordings finished), second one not firing

Hi @simpleem
I see.
I will go ahead and send you a private message to follow up on this issue.

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