Webhook for when a practice-session enabled webinars starts broadcasting

Is there a webhook for when a host clicks on “Broadcast” on a practice-session enabled webinar? From what I can tell, there isn’t one. The webinar.started event is triggered when first starting the webinar (even though it’s still in practice mode) and then when user hits Broadcast, no event is triggered.

Hey @penar.musaraj,

At this time we do not have a broadcast webhook event.

I will pass this to our team for consideration.


FWIW this is important for us as well.


Thanks @flippyhead,

The Webinar Started webhook fires when the host starts the webinar, not when the host clicks broadcast.


I have encountered this problem. Even when we start a call in Practice Session the Webhook fires that the call has started without having clicked Broadcast. Is there a setting you need when setting up the webhooks or the account so that it won’t fire for Practice Sessions?

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Hey @DevKL,

Currently we do not have a Broadcast started webhook or a setting that prevents the webinar started webhook from firing when in a practice session.

Feel free to submit a feature request here: #feature-requests


Sorry, I misread your previous comment. I thought it was already designed to trigger when the host hit broadcast, and not when a host started the practice session.

Or did it get edited? Hmm…

Well, either way, this is an issue for us. We were expecting it to trigger at Broadcast, and not on practice session start.

Hey @DevKL,

I did edit my message to correct it, apologies for the confusion!

I have prioritized this feature request and will keep you updated: (ZOOM-170615)
