A meeting host can end a meeting for all meeting participants.
The Meeting Ended event is triggered every time a meeting host ends the meeting.
But i found out it triggered every time a participant left the meeting. I found it also have a “Participant Left” event for that thing, so I don’t know why this event needs to trigger.
After looking into that meeting, only the host joined, and then left. If the host leaves when there is no one else in the meeting, you will get the meeting ended webhook.
When I test with the host user when I left, it triggered the Meeting Ended event as you say, but the meeting was not end, I could re-joined that meeting then left again and it trigger the event again. I thought the Meeting Ended event should trigger only one time when the meeting “really” end.
I have created meeting events that include meeting started , meeting ended , participant joined and participant left event. When i start meeting i get only one event meeting.participant_joined . I am not getting events like participant left or meeting started event or meeting ended event.
Below are the data for participant joined.
@tommy thanks for the reply , can you send me the snapshots for recommended settings?. Also when meeting joined by participant or host i received meeting joined events. But problem with meeting left , meeting started and meeting ended events.
@tommy We are dealing with a similar issue. We are receiving multiple meeting ended webhooks when the host leaves the meeting but someone else becomes the host. Is there any way for me to know the meeting has really ended.
Are you interested in making sure that the meeting does in fact end, or that you’re aware of who the new host is when an existing host leave?
The reason I ask is because if it’s the first, you might consider our Update Meeting Status endpoint—this can be used to end a meeting programmatically: