Webhooks for meetings participants is sometime missing data

Both webhooks for meetings participants (participant joined and participant left) are not consistent with the returned data. It seems that sometime, despite the fact that everybody is logged, the event does not return a value for the participant “id” making it very difficult to map each participant with an actual user (“id” is unique per user, whereas “user_id” is unique per user and per meeting).

It should be possible to return the user “id” since calling the report api with the “GET /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants” endpoint is able to return this id.

PARTICIPANT_JOINED AND PARTICIPANT_LEFT should always return an “id” when the user is logged to zoom.

Example of missing data:
{event: “meeting.participant_left”,payload:{account_id:“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,object:{duration:60,start_time:“2020-04-13T15:00:14Z”,timezone:“America/New_York”,topic:“Zoom Meeting”,id: 1234567,type: 2,uuid:“YYYYYYYYYYY”,participant:{user_id:000000001,leave_time:“2020-04-13T15:05:00Z”,user_name:“John Doe”},host_id:“ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”}}}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

  • meeting.participant_joined
  • meeting.participant_left

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a meeting
  2. Ask people to join and leave
  3. Monitor the logs for the webhooks mentioned above

Look like same issue as Participant Joined Webhook – Mapping user_id to registrant_id

Hey @fabien,

This looks to be a bug and we are investigating the issue. (ZOOM-155849)

Can you send me the meeting ID of the affected webhooks?
