/webinars/{webinar_id}/polls endpoint not returning polls

Impacted endpoint: v2/webinars/{webinar_id}/polls

I posted a similar concern a little over a month ago: Polls not returning for webinars. I’m now seeing this issue with a different webinar.

I’m currently unable to receive the expected results from this endpoint for a webinar. I’m certain that there are polls associated with this webinar because I’m receiving user responses to polls from the v2/report/webinars/94831794104/polls endpoint. I’m also certain that this webinar has not yet expired.

Extracting poll questions from the user responses endpoint is not a reliable work-around because polls that are not responded to do not appear in the user responses. I need a dependable way to get a set of all polls created on a webinar.

Thank you in advance for looking into this!

Hi @jlardani ,

Was it ever resolved in your last post?

Are you passing any of the query string params for [GET/webinars{webinarId}/polls](https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/webinarPolls)?

If the webinar has concluded, what do you see when you use [GET/past_webinars/{webinarId}/polls](https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/listPastWebinarPollResults)?

Hi Gianni,

Thank you for your response! It was not resolved in my last post.

I’m not passing any of the query string params for [GET/webinars{webinarId}/polls ]

And [GET/past_webinars/{webinarId}/polls ] returns the same response as [GET/report/webinars/{webinarId}/polls ]. I get back a list of users with associated lists of the polls they responded to. This is insufficient though, because if they haven’t responded to a poll, information for that poll will not be returned by this endpoint. We need a reliable source for all of the polls created for a webinar session.

Hi @jlardani ,

Thank you for responding. It seems like you should create a developer support ticket and share the discrepancies you’re seeing across the poll endpoints to help demonstrate unexpected behavior. Make sure that you are logged in to the correct developer account, you include screenshots of the response behavior, webinar id and select “bug” for your ticket.

You can also share the link to this thread to indicate have talked through the issue here with our developer community. Let me know what comes of the ticket and I hope it gets resolved soon.