What is the best signalling framework zoom suggests to trigger incoming calls and invite alerts to users?

VideoSDK today, helps to join the calls from multiple devices based on the jwt tokens.

But I would like to show incoming call alerts to the users who are invited to a session.

Usually there are SIP protocols for this and push notification mechanisms to android and ios devices.

Is there any proven method that zoom would like to suggest for this functionality?

@vic.yang tagging you as I saw timely responses from you. It will be great if you can help in this :slight_smile: Thanks in advance.

Hey @balajisunku

I may not be an expert in this area, but I can provide my perspective.

Outside of the session, you can maintain a separate socket connection with the user and send messages to them when inviting them, triggering a popup similar to an incoming call UI.

Tagging @chunsiong.zoom for further advice.


@chunsiong.zoom hope you are doing great. waiting for your response.

@balajisunku sorry I’m not familiar with this.

@chunsiong.zoom thanks for the response
@vic.yang I am currently trying to maintain the websocket and make the tokens available to the users and triggering incoming calls. Looks like there is no recommended signalling by zoom. can you please confirm if maintaining the web socket on my own is the only solution?