What's the purpose of IEmbeddedBrowser Class, how to use it, is there any demo?

What’s the purpose of IEmbeddedBrowser Class, how to use it, is there any demo?

Hi Rex,

IEmbeddedBrowser Class let you to open another web browser window during Zoom meeting. 

you can take a look at the following method:

SDK_API SDKError CreateEmbeddedBrowser(IEmbeddedBrowser** ppEmbeddedBrowser, HWND hwnd);

you pass a window handler to this method. This method will return a IEmbeddedBrowser object for you to use. 

virtual SDKError SetEvent(IEmbeddedBrowserEvent* pEvent) = 0;  virtual SDKError Navigate(const char* url) = 0;

you can use SetEvent method within this class to pass URL.


Hi Wei,

Thanks a lot.

Three more questions:

  1. I noticed in your sdk_demo, you are using duilib which contains CWebBrowserUI, are there any difference between CWebBrowserUI and IEmbeddedBrowser?

  2. Is IEmbeddedBrowser from IE, which IE version is it?

  3. Which scenario will this browser window be used?

Warm regards,



Duilib of the sdk demo is the copy of the opensource lib from Git Hub. just for demo.


yes, IEmbeddedBrowser based on IE core. Depends on your Internet explorer version and the settings of browser emulation in system registry.


IEmbeddedBrowser is the optional function of Zoom SDK. if you need the embedded browser feature, you can use it.

