StartInterpretation is not working with Windows Meeting SDK


I am trying to programmatically assign another user as Interpreter and Start the Interpretation using Zoom Windows SDK.

I could not find any help online however I have created a wrapper class on top of what methmeeting_interpretation_ctrl_wrap.h which exposes all the given methods like IsInterpretationEnabled, AddInterpreter, OnInterpretationStart etc…

In my C#, I am basically doing following:

SDKError err = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().AddInterpreter(userid, lang, engLang);
                                    Logger.Info("Add Interpreter result: " + err.ToString());

                                    SDKError startInterpretationErr = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().StartInterpretation();
                                    Logger.Info("Start Interpreter result: " + startInterpretationErr.ToString());

I do have a valid user ID and language codes. So for call 1, I am getting Success however for the call 2 where I am trying to call StartInterpretation, I get SDK Error 15 which is SDK Internal Error (with no more help).

Are the steps explained above correct?

Can someone please review and provide input?

Hi @nitin.k,

Can you please confirm whether or not you have received any callbacks from the IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent? Also, is the SDK user the host of the meeting? It seems like this is the case since you’re able to add an interpreter, but just want to be 100% sure that something else isn’t going on here.


Hello Jon,

Thank you for reply. Yes I do have that event registered

Preformatted textmeetingWrap.GetMeetingInterpretationController().SetEvent((ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IMeetingInterpretationControllerEvent*)pKudoInterPreterControllerEvent);

And in c# we have these:

ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().Add_CB_OnInterpretationStart(OnInterpretationStart); ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().Add_CB_OnInterpreterRoleChanged(OnInterpreterRoleChanged);

And the user who is programmatically trying to add Interpreter has been given Host rights. At the same time, that user is able to set interpreter from GUI but the SDK is not working…

Hi @nitin.k,

Sorry, but just to be clear can you spell out which callbacks you are seeing from that event leading up to when you call AddInterpreter and StartInterpretation? Just trying to get full context on when exactly this are being called.


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