When I joined the meeting, I was prompted to enter the interface in the preparation of the meeting successfully, but the interface was popped up again after a few seconds

When I joined the meeting, I was prompted to enter the interface in the preparation of the meeting successfully, but the interface was popped up again after a few seconds. Neither joinMeeting nor startMeetingWithZAK will work.

Which version?

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter" spec="^1.1.0" />

<plugin name="cordova.plugin.zoom" spec="^4.4.5513-0.712" />

<engine name="android" spec="^8.0.0" /> 

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. initialize sdk successful
  2. Click on ‘join’ or ‘start’,
  3. enter to premeeting,console display successfule
  4. Unable to enter the meeting interface and closed the premeeting interface after a few seconds

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: android
  • OS: [e.g. android 10]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi ke.wu1,

Thanks for the post. Are you joining the meeting from China? The current version of Ionic SDK does not support joining or starting a meeting in China. The engineering team has aware of this and we are working on fixing it very soon.


yes, I’m from China. A few days or a few weeks? I hope to hear some good news soon.

Thanks for the reply. Since the Ionic SDK is a community project so we have limited bandwidth on this. Will keep you updated if I have an ETA. Thanks!