Whether /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants api of zoom return attendees information for all the meeting instances of the same meeting or only last meeting instance?

Need clarity on the api /report/meetings/{meetingId}/participants of zoom that whether it returns attendees information from all the meeting instances of the same meeting or only the last meeting instance?

Which Endpoint/s?

We also have same issue, we observed webhooks are not reliable and we wanted to rely on absolute values via api. For multiple instances of starts instances of same meeting we need total meeting minutes and also participants total minutes by using this api https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/reports/reportmeetingparticipants. passing uuid gives specific instance details but getting uuids for a meeting with multiple instances it self we didn’t find solution

Hi Abhinay,

To get meeting UUIDs for a meeting with multiple instances, you can use this API https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/pastmeetings


Thanks for providing the solution @adityaalifn! :slight_smile:

@rishabh.chaddha, @abhinay, let me know if you have additional questions!


Thank you @adityaalifn it worked :slight_smile:

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Happy to hear you got it working! :slight_smile:
