Why user id is dynamically allocated? And How can I get my own user id?

Each time I start or join a meeting, it seems the user id is always different. And I don’t know how to get my own user id when in meeting.


this user id is the meeting level, in-meeting user id. not the user id of your account. about account user id, you can get this by our REST API. 


Thanks for your clarification, Dats. I’m talking about how to get the IN-MEETING user id. Because I didn’t see any method or callback provide this functionality. Thanks.

I find the GetUserByUserID(unsigned int userid) can get current user id.

But what’s the right timing to call this method?

when the meeting status is MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING?


please handle the ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE.IMeetingParticipantsCtrlEvent.onUserJoin  and ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE.IMeetingParticipantsCtrlEvent.onUserLeft  callback event.



Hi Dats, I’m just going to talk about these two callbacks, onUserJoin  and onUserLeft, which doesn’t work. But I did register them before join/start meeting. What’s more, onUserAudioStatusChange callback doesn’t work either. Please help solve the problems. Thanks.

onHostChangeNotification callback doesn’t work

please show me the code of your register callback logic. thanks.

@Dats, my fault. I used to register the callback like this: 

CMeetingParticipantsControllerDotNetWrap.Instance.Add_CB_onUserJoin, which doesn’t work. And I modified it as:

CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetMeetingParticipantsController().Add_CB_onUserJoin, now it work well. Thanks.

Closing as solved.
