"X-Zoom-App-Context" missing "uid" for in-app cases that require user signiup

Zoom Apps Configuration

I am using the app SDK’s function, getAppContext() to get the encrypted app context. This is the same context value as the header “X-Zoom-App-Context” so I used that in the title because it seems to be associated with all of the app context topics.


After sending the context to our backend for decryption, I am finding cases where the uid is not present.

I think this should not happen because:

  • users must aways sign up for the app
  • users must always be signed into an account to use the app
  • we are not enabling/using app invitations

There must be some other case going on though. I searched through the Forum and the closest item I could find is this one: Guest Mode (beta): `x-zoom-app-context` header contains `iid` field

However it does not resolve the question about why the uid is empty.

Here are two examples of contexts that are being decoded, with slightly different values. I sanitized all of the id’s:

  • Case 1
  typ: 'meeting',
  act: '{"url":"/","role_name":"Owner","verified":1,"role_id":0}',
  aud: '###',
  iss: 'marketplace.zoom.us',
  ts: 1681400385325,
  exp: 1681400501593,
  entitlements: [],
  mid: '###',
  attendrole: 'host'
  • Case 2
  typ: 'meeting',
  iid: '####',
  aud: '####',
  iss: 'marketplace.zoom.us',
  ts: 1681389936721,
  exp: 1681390052042,
  entitlements: [],
  mid: '####',
  attendrole: 'participant'


  • No direct error message, just a “missing” value*

Troubleshooting Routes

  • None

How To Reproduce

  • None, not sure how to reproduce


  • This is related to Guest Mode
  • Guest Mode can be disabled in the “Features” section of the Zoom App Configuration
    • in my case, Guest Mode was enabled, so I will now try disabling the setting

Thanks for sharing your solution here! I’m glad to hear that you were able to find a path forward. Please reach out if you continue to encounter any issues.