Is it possible to prompt a user for an ID, username, or similar when installing Marketplace App?

We’re developing a Marketplace app and using oauth, but are struggling with how to associate the Zoom admin performing the installation with the corresponding user in our system. Our requirement is that a Zoom admin installs our application and from that point on, we can use that admin user for oauth on API calls we make to Zoom. Basically our product team wants to eliminate prompts for Zoom logins once the app has been installed.

For now, we are planning to use the email address as a common unique identifier since it’s passed back to us in the Zoom callback fired when an app is installed. We have users’ emails on our side as well, but there is a chance an alternative email address could be in our application vs. what the admin user has used in Zoom. Is it possible to prompt the user for some kind of other unique identifier and pass that back in the callback as well?

Hey @michael.beaty,

After a user installs your OAuth app, and you complete the OAuth flow, simply call the Get User endpoint to get the respective users id.


Thanks Tommy. That will return the user’s Zoom ID thought, correct? I’m looking for some way to get one of our UIDs passed back in the callback.

Hey @michael.beaty,

Yes the Zoom User ID. What do you mean by UID?


I mean our application’s UID for a user. I’m looking for some way to associate a Zoom admin user with a user on our side besides relying on the email addresses matching.

One alternative we’ve discussed is prompted our user for their Zoom account email address if it happens to be different from the email address we have for them in our application. That would allow the same thing, but I’m hoping there is a more frictionless way to accomplish it.

Hey @michael.beaty,

You could get a users Zoom user id which does not change from the Get User endpoint after they install your app. Then you can associate your the Zoom user id to your UID in your database.

Checkout this flow.


OK, thanks Tommy. We’ll keep a mapping on our side then.

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Happy to help! :slight_smile:
