zCommand Dial Join - password parameter

The documentation for zEvent MeetingNeedsPassword says to refer to the zCommand Dial Join command for details on joining a password protected meeting. However, the documentation for zCommand Dial Join doesn’t mention password protected meetings.

zCommand Dial Join meetingNumber: (meeting id) password: (password) works, but since it’s not documented I wanted to double check and make sure this is the intended workflow.

Hi Hector, that is the correct workflow, password is an optional parameter for “zCommand Dial Join”. Thanks for pointing out that is is not documented, we will need to update that. :slight_smile:

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Is a good feature include the meeting password in the response of “zCommand Bookings List” query, this way will be possible to do “one touch join” through 3rd party controller.

Is there a way to fix this ?? Is it in teh roadmap ??

Thanks in advance

Hey @joseanio, can you try using meetingPassword to set the password?

Let me know if that works.



Hi @tommy, I can see meetingName, meetingNumber, but i can not find meetingPassword
in the response of “zCommand Bookings List” query, as you see below. and the both meeting were created with password needs.

Anything to set in zoom cloud ?


Room: 4 >

*r BookingsListResult (status=OK):
*r BookingsListResult resultInfo TotalRows: 2
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingName: Zoom Lab Pwd Zoom Room 4
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingNumber: 116975282
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 startTime: 2020-04-10T02:00:00Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 endTime: 2020-04-10T10:00:00Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorEmail: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorName: Ricardo | Brazil | Attorneys
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 isPrivate: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 checkedIn: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 isInstantMeeting: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 calendarID: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 calendarChangeKey: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 accessRole:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 location: ---- ERASED ----; RJ 4
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 scheduledFrom: Calendar
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 effective_rights 1 right: Delete
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 effective_rights 2 right: Modify
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 effective_rights 3 right: Read
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 thirdparty service_provider: -1
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 thirdparty meeting_number:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 thirdparty sip_address:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 thirdparty h323_address:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 meetingName: Zoom Lab Pwd Zoom Room 5
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 meetingNumber: 543516928
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 startTime: 2020-04-10T20:00:00Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 endTime: 2020-04-11T01:00:00Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 creatorEmail: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 creatorName: Ricardo | Brazil | Attorneys
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 isPrivate: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 checkedIn: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 isInstantMeeting: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 calendarID: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 calendarChangeKey: ---- ERASED ----
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 accessRole:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 location: ---- ERASED ----; RJ 4
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 scheduledFrom: Calendar
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 effective_rights 1 right: Delete
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 effective_rights 2 right: Modify
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 effective_rights 3 right: Read
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 thirdparty service_provider: -1
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 thirdparty meeting_number:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 thirdparty sip_address:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 thirdparty h323_address:
** end

Hey @joseanio,

Must not be supported then. We are working on new Zoom Room APIs and should have this supported in the future. Stay updated here: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/changelog
