Zoho CRM integration for Zoom Phone - status?

According to discussion at Zoho, they have completed an integration to use Zoom Phone within Zoho CRM, which has been submitted and is “stuck with Zoom legal”. I contacted Zoom support and they suggested I post here to get a status update. When will this integration be approved? I really need to be able to smoothly use both platforms together, as do many other customers in common to both companies.

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We are also waiting for this urgently

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We are interested in moving to Zoom phone but can’t until this integration is done.


Our team is also waiting for this and would love to see it expedited.

Same. Waiting forever. I have multiple Zoho CRM clients that are eagerly awaiting. ChatGPT could have done this integration within seconds.

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Still waiting over a year and counting. Need this integration ASAP. Large zoom and Zoho Client

I understand the importance of having seamless integration between different platforms and how it can impact your work. It’s unfortunate to hear that the integration has been submitted but is currently stuck with Zoom legal.

I would suggest continuing to reach out to Zoom support for updates on the status of the integration. It’s also possible that you could reach out to Zoho and see if they have any further information on the matter. In the meantime, it might be helpful to explore any workarounds or alternative solutions that could help you use both platforms together more effectively

We’re huge fans of both services and were wondering if there’s any chance of expediting the release of the integration?

We know there are some legal matters that need sorting by the Zoom legal team, and we appreciate you taking the time to make sure everything is compliant. But we reckon the integration would be super helpful to our business, saving us loads of time and effort scheduling, managing, and tracking Zoom meetings in Zoho CRM. Plus, it would create a streamlined solution for managing customer interactions, which would be fantastic for our sales and support processes.

We’re really keen to get our hands on this integration and would love if you could prioritize getting it released as soon as possible. We’re sure other businesses like us would be stoked too!

Just chiming in here as well - our company badly needs this integration - we did an audit of how many records this would update and it’s in the 10’s of thousands. There’s a lot of on the table for us.

We are also anxiously awaiting this feature.

Just chiming in here as well - our company badly needs this integration - we did an audit of how many records this would update and it’s in the 10’s of thousands. There’s a lot of on the table for us.

Just wanted to share that I am also waiting on this! Thank you :slight_smile: Any update?

It’s great to hear about the integration between Zoho CRM and Zoom Phone. It’s unfortunate that it’s currently stuck in the approval process. Many users are eagerly looking forward to this integration, as it would enhance their workflow significantly. Hopefully, Zoom’s legal team can expedite the approval process to benefit customers who rely on both platforms, for further detail: usaudiovisuals.pk

Does the Zoho CRM integration for Zoom Phone allow SMS text messaging from Zoho?