Zoom android meeting sdk UI not opening when phone is locked

We are showing a calling banner when phone is locked and after clicking on accept, the zoom meeting should start (no need to unlock phone). I had created a separate custom Activity and extended the MeetingActivity of zoom sdk. In onCreate() method of this activity I have added all the flags to show UI on lock screen but still the activity is not called. The custom Zoom Activity works when the phone is unlocked.
reference: https://zoomdevelopersupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056165831-How-to-Extend-the-MeetingActivity

Also we have verified the code to start Activity when screen is locked using different activity other than custom activity of zoom meeting and it works fine.

This issue might be duplicate of this thread as I am trying to achieve the same behavior : Joining a meeting when the phone is locked - #9 by thejaskumarsr

Hi @krutika, thanks for using the dev forum.

Can you please confirm which version of the SDK you are using?


Hi @jon.zoom ,

we are using the latest sdk version v5.10.1.5184 for android.

Hi @krutika,

After looking into this, we have found that this is expected behavior. We identified the ability to join a Zoom meeting as a potential security/privacy risk and decided not to support this.


Hi @jon.zoom ,

Just wanted to update you with one scenario. I have added the flags in extended class of Zoom meeting UI for showing activity on lock screen. As I am unable to start activity on lock screen, but if the meeting is already going on and if I lock the screen I can see the Zoom meeting UI on lock screen. so actually the meeting UI is accessible on lock screen but just cannot start the activity when phone is locked.

Any idea how this is possible and not just the start of the activity.


Hi @krutika,

The issue described previously is not related to whether or not the meeting can be viewed from a locked screen, but the ability to join a meeting while the screen is locked. The behavior you are describing is fine, since the device is unlocked when the meeting is joined.


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