Zoom API behavior for reading past meetings attendance report

Hi All,

Using [https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/users/{userId}/meetings] endpoint to reveal Instant past meetings only returns attendance reports of the meeting organizer/host and no info regarding other participants attendance if the meeting “type” is set to “past” (default type). If the “type” is set to “pastJoined”, considering that this type should return attendance report for other participants, it returns “code”: 200, “message”: “No permission”.

We are using paid “Pro” account.

Any thoughts? What does indicate “No Permission” here?


Hi there @eng-zoom-test

As far as I know, this feature is still in Beta and will be soon launched for GA (the use of “pastJoined” as the meeting type; that might be the reason why you are getting this No permission error)
Allow me some time to look into this internally and will come back to you with an update.

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It would be great if you provide some more information on this

Appreciate your quick feedback, Elisa

Also please clarify the behavior of this “pastJoined” parameter. I’m guessing that using “pastJoined” parameter should retrieve the attendance report of the given user in the meetings where the user was an attender.


Hello, @elisa.zoom. Is there any update on the “pastJoined” meeting type? I just tried this today and still see the “200 No Permission” response.