Meeting reports inconsistent result

I use Zoom Government API /report/users/{userId}/meetings

Based on the document, the request parameter “type” allowed values are past | pastOne | pastJoined
When I use type=past and type=pastJoined, I get different fields for “meetings” from the response

“meetings”: [
“uuid”: “####”,
“id”: ####,
“host_id”: “###”,
“type”: 2,
“topic”: “###”,
“user_name”: “###”,
“user_email”: “###”,
“start_time”: “2023-03-07T16:15:03Z”,
“end_time”: “2023-03-07T16:29:17Z”,
“duration”: 15,
“total_minutes”: 36,
“participants_count”: 4,
“dept”: “Engineering”,
“source”: “Zoom”

“meetings”: [
“uuid”: “###”,
“id”: ###,
“host_id”: “###”,
“topic”: “###”,
“user_name”: “###”,
“user_email”: “###”,
“schedule_time”: “”,
“join_waiting_room_time”: “”,
“join_time”: “03/07/2023 09:15”,
“leave_time”: “03/07/2023 09:16”,
“has_screen_share”: false,
“has_recording”: true,
“has_chat”: false,
“meeting_encryption_status”: 2

Refer to the Example response from the API document. The above response is incomplete.
Is it possible for the response of type=past to include the missing fields (same as the document response example)?