Zoom api error: cannot access webinar info in WordPress

Good morning,

We are using the Zoom Meetings Plug-in from eLearningevolve.com on a WordPress site developed for our organization’s annual meeting. We have facilitate hybrid (in-person/virtual) meetings (conference panels) via zoom.

Panel info is uploaded via ZoHo-generated .csv files. We then create the Zoom meetings in our Zoom account, which is linked to WP via the Zoom Meetings profile. We access the API codes through that channel and then populate them in the corresponding ZoHo field for each meeting (panel).

I’ve had no issue with this on the meeting side.

This morning, I started setting up the handful of webinars that we need for live-streamed events at the conference (Opening Ceremony, plenary talks, keynotes, etc.). The first of these webinars I created this morning and then went to grab the API from the Zoom Meetings list in WP. But, unlike with the meetings, when I click on the webinar I get this message:

zoom api error: cannot access webinar info

I did not see anything in the previous topics specifically covering this issue as related to using the Zoom Meetings plug-in for WP.

Does anyone know if this is an error with the server-to-server OAuth process or is does it have to do with a setting in Zoom? What could I be missing/overlooking?

Hi @tyrie.smith
Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry for the late reply here
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end or are you still looking for some help/guidance?

Hey! Yes, we found the answer - needed to add the [is_webinar=“1”] clause to the coding.

Great news @tyrie.smith
Thanks for sharing your findings with the community!