Zoom App Authentication Domain list

Hey guys,
I want to add a authentication into my zoom app my zoom app which runs within zoom client during meetings. so iam thinking to add a firebase authentication in my app. so please tell me is it okay to use firebase auth here because we need to store each user in the database so please help and let me know if it make sense thanks :slight_smile:

@MaxM Please help seems like iam missing domain allow list, please tell me iam using firebase authentication what domain allow list should I put in order to use firebase service ?

As of my last update in September 2021, Zoom introduced domain-based authentication to restrict meeting access to specified domains. Administrators can define approved domains to control who can join meetings. Check Zoomโ€™s official documentation for the most up-to-date information on configuring the domain list for app authentication.

@alvaromathis30 Thanks for your Response but i solved the issue i added this โ€œidentitytoolkit.googleapis.comโ€ domian into my domain allow list and itโ€™s working fine. I will leave a thread maybe someone also try to use Firebase Authentication in Zoom Apps.
Have a Nice day :slight_smile: