Zoom App Granular and Optional Scopes feature - Missing Scope and Reverting to Classic


Is there anyway to use the Classic Scope for New Zoom App?

We noticed the new Granular Scope is missing all the Cloud Recording Scope.

In particular user:read:list_recordings permissions



Iā€™m having this issue also. Any tips to resolve would be great. Thank you
@elisa.zoom (I can see you resolved a similar issue for someone last year).

For those following, the front end UI has no ability to find Cloud Recording permissions under fine grain access.

I believe there may be other Scopes that are missing from Fine Grain. Iā€™m surprised Classic Scope is disabled before issues like this is ironed out?

@MaxM is this something that can be fed back to the development team?

Shared with internal team and looking into resolution @alli

I too have this problem and would like to know if there is an ETA

Hi @michael.luehr @alli ,

This is being investigated (ZSEE-123745). Will update as soon as more info becomes available. Thanks!

Thanks Gianni, seems like this could be a wide spread issue. Appreciate you raising a ticket!

Hi @alli,

A fix should be deployed this weekend for development and shortly after for production for recording scopes.

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Thank you for the update!!

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Facing the same issue, suddenly all the recording scopes are now missing? Any ETA for the production fix for this issue?
Itā€™s critical for our integration to work properly.

Hi @elearningevolve ,

I am not able to provide a direct date, but this change shouldā€™ve only impacted new apps created this week. Are you experiencing the impact on a previously created published app?

The problem seems to be with the change of the new UI for the scopes screen. The app with the old scope view is showing the recording permission.

This is quite critical for our users so we would expect a quick response here, please.

Hi @elearningevolve ,

Please open a developer support ticket for this matter for one on one, SLA assistance.

@gianni.zoom It is so unfortunate that even with a Zoom Pro account not being able to submit a ticket.

While your plan and support options indicate that itā€™s possible to open web ticket with the Pro plan your system behaves differently.
It says,

Youā€™re on the Pro Plan. As an unlicensed user, you are unable to submit a web ticket.

Hi @elearningevolve ,

Just private messaged you. Please check your notifications and respond there.

Thanks so much!

Hi @gianni.zoom, Iā€™m running into the same issue and canā€™t submit a ticket. Can you please help? Thanks!

I apologize for the suddenly response.We are also experiencing the same issue with recording on Zoomphone.

Itā€™s a crucial function for our system, so we would like an urgent response.

Any help would be appreciated

Is there any kind of workaround like setting the scopes through the API for the application since they are not showing in the web UI?

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@kdawgwilk-elephant itā€™s not UI that is the issue, itā€™s that some of the granular scopes are not yet available for production. Some are still being rolled out. That was a good point of consideration though!

In case anyone was waiting for an update on this, there are ~30 ā€œcloud_recording:ā€ granular scopes that are available now for Server-to-Server OAuth apps. So hopefully the one you need is in that list.

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