Latest release of Granular and Optional Scopes feature - Missing Scope

Hi there - we noticed the following scopes are missing from the latest release of Granular and Optional Scopes feature rolled out for new Zoom Apps. [user:read:list_recordings:admin, user:read:list_recordings]

Is there a way to create a new app with the Classic Scopes whilst issues like this gets ironed out?

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Unfortunately, all new apps will have to use the granular scope scheme going forward. If you have an app that exists already then you can modify the classic scopes on that. Sorry about this inconvenience.

Hi @alli ,

We’re looking into this (ZSEE-123745). Appreciate your patience.

Following up on this, I have similar issue, cannot add the scope user:read:list_recordings. Is there any update on this.

Hi @mike14 , recording scopes should have been fixed. Can you please confirm your role and recordings permissions selected for your role in the web portal ui with a screen shot?

I was not able to add those scopes, I tried with both admin level and manager/owner level accounts.

Hi @mike14 , just sent a direct message for more info. Please check your notifications and send those things. Thank you!

Hi @mike14 , opened up a new ticket (ZSEE-131411) for missing granular scopes for Zoom Meeting API

Endpoint GET /users/{userId}/recordings requires the following Granular Scopes: user:read:list_recordings,user:read:list_recordings:admin,user:read:list_recordings:master , but they are not available to add for new Server to Server Apps created after UBF and Granular Scopes release:

Open image-20240606-182746.png


For example, master account user with full permissions have the following scopes able to add in an attempt to access GET /users/{userId}/recordings :

Open image-20240606-182637.png


You will receive 401 error saying user:read:list_recordings,user:read:list_recordings:admin,user:read:list_recordings:master are missing.

Hi @mike14 @alli , so the error code documentation is wrong. The scope you need is cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings: admin. The documentation will be updated. Can you please try again with that scope added?