Zoom OAuth App Selection Missing Granular Scope Options

I’m trying to make requests to the following Zoom API endpoints:

  • /report/activities
  • /report/operationLogs

To view:
Zoom Meeting API: Sign In/Sign Out Activities
Zoom Meeting API: Operation Logs

However, I’m encountering this error:
Request is unable to be processed at this time due to No permission.

The documentation mentions that specific granular scopes are needed, but I don’t see these scopes listed under the Report section in the Zoom app settings. I’ve already confirmed that my app has the report:read-admin scope, but I don’t see an option to add the necessary granular scopes.

We previously had the granular scopes, but I’m not seeing them any longer and am wondering what happened or what scopes we should be using instead?

When I click Add Scopes > Product > Report I see:
report:master report:read:admin and report_chat:read:admin.

Additionally, we’re hitting these API’s using an enterprise account.

How can I add these granular scopes to the app or did something about these API’s change? We appreciate your help. Thanks!