Zoom App submitted 10 days ago, no feedback


10 days ago we submitted after a first review, our modified App “ScuolaSemplice” that is available since three years ago. It is still “Waiting for review” and we didn’t get any further feedback.
Also it appears for some reasons, the App it is suspended since new customers cannot connect.
We just added a webhook, and anot we’ve customers who are waiting to connect and also we cannot provide the new webhook service we promised to our customers.

Is is possbile in any way to check the status of our review process?

Thank you

@fornitori Sorry for the delay we returned the app submission with some notes, please resolve the notes and resubmit for approval.

Regards, Kwaku

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thank you so much.
We have updated the App as requested and we have submitted to the marketplace for approval.

We hope that the App can go online as soon as possible!

Thank you,