Zoom Chat Audio Download link returns a .opus file

The download link from the chat message api downloads a “.opus” file which does not play.
Is there a way to download the full audio message that is sent?

Downloading from that link gives an Opus file but not the actual audio. Is there a way to download the actual audio?

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
GET # /chat/users/{userId}/messages/{messageId}

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.zoom.us/v2/chat/users/{user-id}/messages/{message-id}?to_contact={contact_email}'


    "id": "C30821D0-4440-49BB-A589-A6EFBAAF7973",
    "message": "Sender_name has sent you an audio",
    "sender": "sender_email",
    "date_time": "2021-11-10T15:28:02Z",
    "timestamp": 1636558082861,
    "file_id": "EptYt_xhQ96Hi0NbHpI2zA",
    "download_url": "https://us06web.zoom.us/file/download/EptYt_xhQ96Hi0NbHpI2zA?jwt={token}&mode=download"

Additional context
Is there a way to download the audio message?

Hey @JonathanGolad,

Have you tried opening the file in a shareware media player like VLC?

Hi @will.zoom,
Yes, the file shows a duration of 0 seconds. We’ve tried this with multiple chat audio message downloads.
Have you attempted to reproduce?

Hey @JonathanGolad,

Can I kindly ask that you share this example, including the user ID and the JWT token used with me directly at developersupport@zoom.us so that I can further investigate?


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