How to get the file with the API response download_url

The following API response includes messages\files\download_url field. Could you help clarify how to get the file with this download_url?

I tried to paste the download_url into the browser and it fails to download the file.
Should I initiate a request to the download_url with the oauth access_token? if yes, what is the use of jwt in the download_url ?

I tried to use the download_url with a valid access_token. It returns 404. Please help clarify how to download the chat message files.

The download_url I get from the API has the following format:

Any updates for this issue ?

Hi, @SongZhang,

Thank you for writing us and sorry for the trouble downloading chat message files. Based on the example, it looks like you should be able to paste the download_url in the browser to begin the download.

Example download_url:

As a test, can you try to download the file using the following format :


Thank you for the reply!
Please refer to the above 2nd post, I have tried to use download_url?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}, but it returns NOTFOUND

Tested on my end and can confirm pasting the download_url in the browser will begin the download. Can you share the request along with the query parameters used? (Be sure to omit any PPI)

Could you give me an email address so that I can send you my download_url and you can have a try.
Please note I am using zoom government not zoom us.

Thank you!

@SongZhang ,

I can direct message you and you can share a video of your workflow along with screenshots. Is that okay?

Please tell me how to do that. Thank you!

The sample response has been posted in the private message.

Thank you!

Hi, @SongZhang ,

Thank you for following up. I’ve responded to your query via private message.