Zoom Cloud Recording not working

I am going to integrate zoom recording into my React.JS web application
I found this solution here

I can see record button when I join the meeting, but doesnt record automatically after join meeting
I want to record the meetings automatically when I click start meeting

But after join the meeting, I am getting this error
1. {method: “record”, status: false, errorCode: 1, errorMessage: “Current user is neither host nor cohost”, result: null}

  1. errorCode: 1
  2. errorMessage: "Current user is neither host nor cohost"
  3. method: "record"
  4. result: null
  5. status: false
  6. __proto__: Object

My account is pro paid account and co-host

ZoomSDK version is “@zoomus/websdk”: “^1.9.0”

How can I fix it?
Please help me


Hey @zeeshanahmed ,

This means that the user trying to record the meeting does not have the proper plan, or permissions.

Double check that the user / participant is allowed to record the meeting:

Let me know if that helps! :slight_smile:


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