Zoom crshes/stops working after few mins in the call after the update to iOS 14 on iphone XR

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for your patience and contributions to resolving this issue. We have a new version of the iOS SDK, that should address the screen sharing issues on iOS 14. The new SDK can be found here: https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-ios/releases/tag/v5.2.41735.0928.

The changes to broadcasting in this version will require some updates:

There are new libraries that will need to be linked to your extension.
In addition to ReplayKit and MobileRTCScreenShare, please add the following frameworks to your broadcast extension target:

  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreMedia
  • CoreVideo
  • VideoToolbox

These additional frameworks will be used to provide a better experience to users when broadcasting.

If you are using Swift in your broadcasting target:
Please add “-lc++” to your target’s build settings under “Other linker flags”

If you are using Objective-C in your broadcasting target:
Please change the RPBroadcastSampleHandler file extension from “.m” to “.mm”. (This file is likely called SampleHandler)
Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 10.30.19 PM

You should not have to update anything else related to sharing.

If you run into errors mentioning “std::”, make sure you have followed the steps above for your relative language.

Please let us know here or at developersupport@zoom.us if you experience any issues when updating to the new framework versions.
