Zoom error %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 401, body: "{\"code\":104, \"message\":\"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[\"whiteboard:write\"]\"}"

We are facing the same issue as mentioned in Api v2/whiteboards throwing 401 Unauthorized "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["whiteboard:write"]"

But commenting in above issue is turned off. The Whiteboard feature is enabled on our account.

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Are you also using a server to server authentication method?

Yes we’re using the server to server authentication. Also the feature is correctly enabled in Zoom dashboard.

When you generate the access token, it should return with the scopes which that token enables you to access, like so.

“access_token”: “{access_token}”,
“token_type”: “bearer”,
“expires_in”: 3599,
“scope” : “user:read:admin”

do you see “writeboard:write” in those scopes?

Hello Josh,

Thank you for your help. Please find the response below:

“access_token”: “xyz”,
“token_type”: “bearer”,
“expires_in”: 3600,
“scope”: “user:write:admin meeting_token:read:admin:local_recording user:read:admin meeting:read:admin:sip_dialing information_barriers:write:admin recording:write:admin whiteboard:read:admin whiteboard_content:read:admin user:master information_barriers:read:admin whiteboard_share_setting:write:admin meeting:read:admin information_barriers:read:master recording:read:admin meeting:write:admin meeting_token:read:admin:live_streaming meeting:write:admin:sip_dialing recording:master whiteboard:write:admin meeting:master meeting_token:read:admin:local_archiving whiteboard_export:write:admin whiteboard_collaborator:write:admin whiteboard_collaborator:read:admin information_barriers:write:master”

Hmm, well I see ‘whiteboard:write:admin’ in there. That’s weird. Hate to ask the obvious question, but just in case, are you sure that when you’re making the call to the endpoint you’re using the most recent access token, not an old one that maybe didn’t have the scope?

Hello Josh,

Thank you for your reply. Yes that is correct, we’re using the latest token.