Zoom LTI Pro cloud recording publish status through API

We are using Zoom LTI Pro with our LMS and notice that there is a feature that allows instructors to decide whether to publish the cloud recording link to the students in the class or not.

May I know if this “publish status” is stored in Canvas side or Zoom side? If on Zoom, can we retrieve the status through the Zoom API? Thanks.

Hey @vicker,

Sounds like that is handled on the Canvas side.

They are probably hosting the Zoom Meeting Cloud Recording, and then “publish” probably means they are sharing it with their students.


Hi @tommy, thanks for helping again.

In the Canvas Zoom LTI interface, the recordings are labeled as cloud recording. I can also see those records by calling the Zoom LTI recordings endpoint, so I am quite sure those recordings are hosted on Zoom. Though from the same API, I can’t see any field that corresponding to the publish status.

Hey @vicker,

Correct. When you say “Publish Status” the only thing that relates with Zoom is the recording completed processing status:

Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 9.39.59 AM


Other than that, the publish status is handled on Canvas’ side.
