Zoom Marketplace misclassifying the "Zoom for Calendly - Admin Setup" as a Beta

Hi Zoom Support,

I am part of the development team at Calendly and we recently created an unlisted app “Zoom for Calendly - Admin Setup”. We were using the “authorization url” (from the zoom integration) in the Calendly Web App in order to redirect users to install the “calendly for zoom - admin setup” app which is the last step of the integration.
Today, we started facing an error “This app has reached the maximum number of test installs” recently because it appears that Zoom Marketplace is misclassifying our app as a beta app. In order to resolve that, we published our app into the marketplace which seems to have gotten us around the error.
The problem is that we would like to keep the app as being unlisted in the app marketplace since we need Users to initiate the flow from within Calendly instead, however there doesn’t seem to be a way for an app to be “Generally Available” (not beta) but unlisted.


  • Initiate the calendly for zoom - admin setup workflow from within Calendly as a Calendly admin
  • Click on the link to connect zoom
  • Hit Error

We have 2 requests:

  • Can you confirm that publishing our app removes the “beta” restriction from the authorization URL ?
  • Is it possible to keep our app published but “unlisted” in the zoom marketplace ?

Yatin Kanetkar

Hello @integrations-apps

So for question 1 yes, that Beta sign was added a few years ago to ensure customers understand that fully when installing a Published App vs an Unpublished.

For Request 2 I will have to get back to you to confirm but I do not believe we can complete such requests at the moment. I will provide an update soon after some research.