Zoom Meeting/App APIs: Conflicting Documentation

  1. Zoom Meeting API

As a query parameter, occurrence_id is defined as the occurrence ID of a recurring meeting. However, in the occurrences array returned, it is defined as the occurrence ID of a recurring webinar.

I suspect that the latter is supposed to say “recurring meeting” as well but wanted to double check if that was actually the case.

  1. Is zoomSdk.openUrl meant to be synchronous or asynchronous?

During testing, it looks to be the latter, but the documentation at https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/beta-docs/zoom-apps/js-sdk/apis#openurlurloptions is conflicting.

Hi, @greyoung,

Thank you for posting in the Developer Forum. This reference to the webinar is likely a typo. I’ll reach out to our documentation to submit an update request. It should be read as the occurrence ID of a recurring webinar.



Great question! The zoomSdk.openUrl is asynchronous. We are always looking to make improvements, so please feel free to let us know exactly what you found conflicting and I’ll pass along your feedback to our documentation team.

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@donte.zoom: Thanks for clarifying occurrence_id

In your screenshot for “openUrl”, look at what is written under the header "openUrl(urlOptions)"

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BTW, in general, the documentation for the Zoom App SDK APIs could definitely benefit from a comparison of what’s been documented to what developers are actually seeing under Features > Zoom App SDK > Add APIs in their Zoom App submission.

Case in point (and keep in mind this is just one of multiple cases):

These are nowhere to be found in documentation.

Anyway, I don’t want to detract from my original question but did want to point that out


I see @greyoung! Thank you for posting that out. I’ll submit a documentation update request for all of the above.
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