Zoom meeting sdk v5.16.5.17050 crashing in android version 14 devices

Meeting sdk working absolutely fine on all versions except from Android 14.
But app is crashing on android 14 version giving below error log.
error log :
java.lang.SecurityException: org.alanon.meetings: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn’t being registered exclusively for system broadcasts
at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3057)
at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:3041)
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:3024)
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2966)
at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub$Proxy.registerReceiverWithFeature(IActivityManager.java:5684)
at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1852)
at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1792)
at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:767)
at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:767)
at com.zipow.videobox.broadcast.ZmConfBroadCastReceiver.a(ZmConfBroadCastReceiver.java:23)
at us.zoom.proguard.kl2.a(ZmConfUIStatusMgr.java:5)
at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initAppForSDK(VideoBoxApplication.java:1)
at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.onSDKCreated(VideoBoxApplication.java:25)
at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initializeForSDK(VideoBoxApplication.java:55)
at us.zoom.internal.impl.e.a(ZoomSDKImpl.java:62)
at us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK.initialize(ZoomSDK.java:1)

Thank you for reporting this, please see these helpful threads on this topic :

Let me know if this helps or if you have any clarifications.

Hello Denote,
I have all the required dependencies (checked from sample project) integrated in my project.

Kindly help me out with this issue and the above thread you shared with me does not give a solution to it.

Also I am sharing my app-level build.gradle file for your reference.

(Attachment build.gradle is missing)

build.gradle file drive link:


Thank you for your response! Although I don’t have Android Version 14, I see this issue has been reported and resolved. I will consult internally to find someone with the Android versions for testing, but it should work as expected. In the meantime, here are some additional threads you can explore.


Hello Donte,
Thanks for your quick responses.
I checked the thread share above by you , but in that it is advised to target app till 33 api version but my requirement is to target the app till 34 api level
i.e., for android version 14.
So please clear my query whether android 14 is supported in the latest zoom meeting sdk( i.e., or not?

@himanshu.sharma ,

Yes, android version 14 is supported. However, currently, the Android SDK supports compileSdkVersion: 33.

1 Like

Hello Donte,
I have compilesdkversion 34 in my app and can not rollback to 33.
Please let me know when is updated sdk for zoom meeting that supports compilesdkversion 34 is released.

In my app, I have:

targetSdkVersion 34

Hello Denote,
Any update ?

@himanshu.sharma ,
As shared above, Android version 14 is supported but for version 33 at the moment. If the latest updates, changes, and fixes, please subscribe to our changelog :