Zoom_meetingsdk error

GitHub - zoom_meetingsdk-javascript-sample Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in (vanilla) JavaScript
GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-javascript-sample: Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in (vanilla) JavaScript

I want to make use of meeting sdk at [[GitHub - zoom_meetingsdk-javascript-sample Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in (vanilla) JavaScript]] for my
zoom web meetings but I have not been able to obtain the json

return response.json()

in the client-view.js. it is giving me the error message ‘SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data’
which from further investigation I discovered that the response was empty. I have provided the appropriate accurate meeting number as
available in zoom and used both 1 and 0 for role but the result is the same

Please how do I get it to run effectively. I am still running it inside my local system with localhost
here is my part of the code which I modified in the client-view

var authEndpoint = ''
var sdkKey = 'my client id'
var meetingNumber = 'meeting number on zoom'
var passWord = 'password on zoom'
var role = 0
var userName = 'any user name'
var userEmail = 'mymail@email.com'
var registrantToken = ''
var zakToken = ''
var leaveUrl = 'http://localhost:800'

I am using php

Cc @tommy, @michael_p.zoom

Please can I get some help for the error I am encountering. I am sorry if it looks like I am bothering @gianni.zoom @elisa.zoom. Please Ihave been stock at these for days