Zoom Phone Smart Embed won't sign in (401)

Zoom Phone Smart Embed App not signing in
Link the API endpoint(s) and/orZoom API Event(s) you’re working with to help give context.

*I have followed the instructions, approved the domain (local host file mapped), added the app, installed the Zoom client, allowed Automatic calling from third-party application. I have the script embedded via jQuery and the widget loads and shows the “Signin” button. Clicking this button pops a window, which says Signin Success this window will now close". The windows closes and nothing happens to the widget.

The full error message or issue you are running into, where applicable.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Follow steps here above/
2. Add script to your local webapp with a domain app.myapp.com, which must be approved
3. Call init per the documentation
4. Click sign in, watch, 401 errors (the phone pops up for a second but says the session has expired)

Hi @provega ,

Was this resolved?

Hello, I got problem like @provega
Can you support?