Zoom Revenue Accelerator - conversations details are incomplete


*When using this endpoint to query conversation details, the responses are inconsistently missing fields. If the conversation_type is phone, the start_time and end_time are included. However, when querying conversations of type meeting, the start_time and end_time are missing from the API response. *

This is using a simple GET request to the API endpoint listed above

Hey @ntakaki, thanks for reporting this. We’ll work on reproducing this, but any example responses you have would help (with private data obfuscated).

@ntakaki, are you using /zra/conversations ? - Zoom Revenue Accelerator API - List conversations

I’m not seeing conversation_type as an available param of /zra/conversations/{conversationId}/interactions

Hi Michael, This is correct, it is not an available parameter of interactions. However, we cross referenced it with the conversation type returned to find the patten for why some conversations returned the data, and other did not.

Here is an examples where the start_time and end_time are not included, with data redacted:

[{‘participants’: [{‘metrics’: {},
‘display_name’: ‘iPhone de Pamela’,
‘speaker_type’: ‘customer’,
‘transcripts’: [{‘item_id’: ‘0’, ‘text’: ‘Perdón’},
{‘item_id’: ‘1’, ‘text’: ‘y que.’},
… similar items entire transcript
{‘item_id’: ‘17’, ‘text’: ‘Gracias. Gracias.’}],
‘user_id’: ‘’,
‘email’: ‘’,
‘conversation_id’: ‘…’},
{‘metrics’: {},
‘display_name’: '…,
‘speaker_type’: ‘customer’,
‘user_id’: ‘’,
‘email’: ‘’,
‘conversation_id’: ‘…’}],
‘next_page_token’: ‘’,
‘page_size’: 300}]

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Ah, got it, thanks! Data returned in transcripts if that conversationID is type meeting (other endpoint, same data, makes sense). Let me work with the Revenue Accelerator team and get back to you.

Hi @ntakaki, thanks for reporting this.

In a release targeting tomorrow, transcripts of all newly generated conversations will include start_time and end_time (phone and meeting)

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