Zoom SDK fails to initialize when connected to VPN

The Zoom SDK will fail to initialize in an application running on an emulator on a machine connected to a VPN.

The initialization callback onZoomSDKInitializeResult returns the error codes “3” and “5003”.

If the VPN is disabled, Zoom will properly initialize after the application and emulator are restarted.

Which version?
Zoom SDK Version v5.0.24433.0616


  • Device: Pixel 3 Emulator
  • OS: Android
  • Version: API 29

Hi @caleb.c,

Thanks for the post. Could you provide the SDK log for us to further investigate? It could be the VPN is blocking the connection from SDK.


Hey @carson.zoom,

Could you provide the SDK log for us to further investigate? It could be the VPN is blocking the connection from SDK.

If you’re referring to errors logged to the console, the onZoomSDKInitializeResult is returning an errorCode of 3 and an internalErrorCode of 5003.

If you’re referring to the Log feauture, I’ve attempted to set this up but I do not see a log file created anywhere. Perhaps i’m looking in the wrong place (I checked /Android/data/(or your app's name)/logs/ as suggested), but I am assuming that if the initialization for the SDK fails, then the initialization for the Log feature also fails.

Hi @caleb.c,

Thanks for the reply. The error code 5003 means network error. This might caused by the VPN itself blocking SDK connection. Please make sure your VPN does not block the domain and IP mentioned in https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362683-Network-firewall-or-proxy-server-settings-for-Zoom


I also had the same trouble :frowning:

Hi @carolynquinnxe8z, thanks for using the dev forum.

Can you please provide which error code you are receiving when initializing the SDK? Have you tried the approach listed in the previous reply?


Zoom is a very modern program and due to the coronavirus epidemic, all schools and people use it because it is very fast and free. But unfortunately, not all VPN applications are connected to the zoom, which prevents people who need to hide their location from working in zoom safely for themselves. And to our happiness with you, this is all easily solved by new VPN services and sites with information, one of which I will show you. The site pinpointvpn.com is a collection of not only information about VPN and how to use them, but also shows the top 10 VPN services and sites that include functions for zoom.

Hi @carolynquinnxe8z,

Your post does not appear to pertain to the Zoom Android SDK. This forum is only meant for helping developers who are integrating our SDK into their own applications. For any general Zoom needs or help with the Zoom client, please visit our general support page.


Thank you so much for contributing in this post. I was facing similar issue 2,3 days ago and now it is solved because of this post. I will share this platform or post with my friends.

Firstly, I want to thank you for contributing to this article. I also had the same trouble, I was experiencing the same issue 2,3 days ago, but now that I have read this post, it has been resolved. I will recommend to use mod VPN apk to conect with zoom, it will work fine