Zoom video stream on Dynadot + Azure website

I have a domain name for my website currently registered at Dynadot for my Azure site.
Member login and subscription/member management is fine, and under control (or soon will be).
But the objective of the website is for subscribers to be able to log in and either:

  1. Watch live streams from various artists (in Europe and USA) to learn about our art form, or,
  2. Watch a previously recorded video of an earlier session.
    I want this to take place on our site, on our web page.
    In other words, the zoom window needs to be embedded in my web page.
    I don’t want to click the “Launch Event” button (by the artist) or the “Watch Event” button (by the subscribers), to open a new zoom window (app or web page). I want direct access to the video stream.
    I find a lot of third-party vendors who claim to provide the streaming (without zoom) but none worked.

Can you help?

Hi @diamondkety ,

Here’s some guidance on setting up live streaming to your custom site: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115001777826-Livestreaming-meetings-or-webinars-on-a-custom-site

You can also use the Video SDK to facilitate this: Live Streaming

Does this help for your use case?

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