Zoom Web Client - iframe integration

Would like to embed the zoom web client in an iframe on our website.

Works fine on IE & Firefox, but Chrome & Safari do not allow you to progress past the screen where it asks for your name.

Opened the Chrome console and saw this error.

js_media.min.js:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the ‘localStorage’ property from ‘Window’: Access is denied for this document.
at Object.<anonymous> (https://d24cgw3uvb9a9h.cloudfront.net/static/93345/webclient/js/av-sdk/js_media.min.js:1:10512)
at n (https://d24cgw3uvb9a9h.cloudfront.net/static/93345/webclient/js/av-sdk/js_media.min.js:1:353)

Normally i see this error when 3rd party cookies are blocked. Do you have 3rd party cookies enabled in Chrome/Safari?

Hi @cdahms,

Make sure you have https enabled and the allow=“microphone; camera” property within the iframe.

Let us know if that works.

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