Zoom WebSDK Configuration with Nginx


I Have web application with zoom webSDK integrated within an iframe. if i run the web application zoom web page is also loading and working fine.

But when web application and zoom webSDK are configured in Nginx with different ports i.e. web application port is 8080 and zoom webSDK port is 9999.

After the Nginx configuration when i run the web application, zoom web page is not loading and zoom webSDK is giving errors in the browser console.

I’m attaching the error console and nginx logs here.

Please help me to fix this issue ASAP


Hey @annaraork1,

Are those files missing in your project?

Please see the usage guide here for including required files:


Hello. All the files are there. If I host my nginx server as just / I.e. root it’s working but if I host my nginx under /zoom for example then I get this error. I am not understanding why??.

Is there Something that i am missing?? Please help

Hey @annaraork1,

Make sure the url paths are correct when using your zoom path. You can set custom paths via the ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib function.

For example

ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('https://yourserver.com/zoom/custom/path/to/lib/', '/av')



Thanks for the response

after the ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib setting - i am still getting this error
https://emn.eminera.com/zoom/static/app.min.js not found error from index.html - How do i resolve this. Please help

Hey @annaraork1,

This is more of a server configuration issue on your end than a Zoom issue.

Try testing it by accessing the JavaScript through the browser. Make sure the file exists on your server.
