ZoomMeeting.join works for meetings, but I have problem with joining a webinar

I using ZoomMeeting.join to join zoom meeting and it works, but when I try to join webinar it gives me an error “Joining meeting timeout. The meeting number is wrong.”
I am using 1.9.8 SDK version
Here is my join statement:
meetingNumber: webinar number,
userName: name of person joining webinar,
signature: signature received with role 0,
apiKey: apiKey,
userEmail: email of person joining webinar,
passWord: webinar password,
success: function (res) {
console.log(“join meeting success”);
console.log(“get attendeelist”);

          success: function (res) {
            console.log("success getCurrentUser", res.result.currentUser);

Any help would be greatly appreciated since I spend a lot of time to figure out why it is not working

Hi, @teleengage,

Thank you for posting in the Developer Forum. The latest version of the SDK is now 2.2.0. Please try upgrading from the 1.9.8 SDK version and see if the issue persists? There have been multiple bug fixes since your version of the SDK.

That aside, I am linking our Join Webinar help documentation for reference. Please check it out and let me know if there is anything I can help clarify.

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